
Showing posts from January, 2019

Bos Rian Pembooking Vanessa Angel Ternyata Pengusaha Tambang Ilegal

WowKeren  - Sosok pengusaha Rian alias R yang disebut-sebut pria keturunan Tionghoa berusia 45 tahun dan jomblo masih membuat masyarakat penasaran. Ini karena pengusaha yang berKTP Jakarta namun sering bolak-balik ke Surabaya tersebut sosoknya masih dirahasiakan. Kepala Subdirektorat 5 Siber Ditreskrimsus Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Timur Ajun Komisaris Besar Harissandi cuma sekedar mengungkap kalau pengusaha yang membooking  Vanessa Angel  dan siap membayar Rp 80 juta itu bukanlah bos media online. Haris juga menyangkal kalau R tokoh fiktif ataupun polisi yang menyamar untuk menjebak Vanessa cs. "Pengusaha (tambang) pasir. Enggak, salah. Bukan (pengusaha media online). Ya pengusaha saja. Kan, perusahaannya banyak dia. (Bergerak di bisang) jasa kali ya. Salah satunya ya karena banyak usahanya," kata Haris. "Usahanya banyak, di Lumajang ada, sering mondar-mandir Surabaya-Jakarta. Ber-KTP Jakarta, masih bujang. Dia sering mondar-mandir Jakarta-Surabaya. kadang ke luar ne...

Rocky Gerung Kesandung ‘Kitab Suci Itu Fiksi’, Team BPN kebakaran jenggot

Image, JAKARTA  – Jurubicara Badan Pemenangan Prabowo-Sandi, Andre Rosiade menganggap pemanggilan terhadao Rocky Gerung atas pernyataann ‘kitab suci itu fiksi’ diaggap sebagai berntuk kriminalisasi. Pria yang juga Wakil Sekjen Partai Gerindra itu menilai ada sederet kejanggalan dalam pemanggilan pria yang disebut-sebut seorang filsuf itu. Pertama, kasus atau pernyataan yang diucapkan Rocky itu sudah terjadi lebih dari satu tahun. “Kita tunggu apakah ada kriminalisasi kepada Rocky kita lihat karena ini kasus sudah lama, hampir satu tahun,” ketanya seperti dikutip dari, Rabu (30/1/2019). Kejanggalan kedua adalah, sang pelapor yang diketahui atas nama Jack Boyd Lapian disebutnya sudah terbiasa mempolisikan pendukung Prabowo. “Tiga, kita lihat Pak Rocky beberapa bulan terakhir terlihat mendukung Pak Prabowo,” lanjut Andre. Kejanggalan lainnya adalah, jika memang pernyataan Rocky tersebut perupakan penistaan agama, maka yang mempolisikannya s...

Pesan Ahmad Dhani untuk Dul Jaelani, Mengharukan : Jangankan Penjara, Mati pun Siap

 Pengacara Ahmad Dhani, Hendarsam mengaku mendapat amanah untuk menyampaikan pesan pentolan Dewa 19 itu untuk anak bungsunya, Dul Jaelani. Dul Jaelani merupakan putra Ahmad Dhani dari ibu Maia Estianty. Saat Ahmad Dhani ditahan di LP Cipinang, Dul Jaelani ikut mengantarkan ayahnya itu. Lalu, pesan apa yang disampaikan Hendarsam kepada Dul Jaelani? Hendarsam mengatakan, Ahmad Dhani minta Dul Jaelani tak usah takut dengan kasus yang menimpanya. "Malah Mas Dhani ngomong ke Dul 'kamu enggak usah takut, enggak usah khawatir, laki-laki nggak boleh kayak gitu," kata Hendarsam menirukan pesan Ahmad Dhani, Selasa (29/1/2019). "Ayah kalau dihadapkan keadaan ini, jangankan dipenjara, matipun saya siap, apalagi cuman dipenjara. Kalau yang kita anggap ini benar, keadilan itu betul ada, bahwa ini benar, matipun saya siap," sambungnya. "Malaikat pencabut nyawa datang saat ini, kalau alasannya ini datang saya siap. Jangankan penjara, itu kecil', begitu ka...

Vanessa ditahan di POLDA Jatim

Vanessa Angel ditahan di POLDA Jatim Suara 30 Januari 2019 pukul 15.19 Vanessa Angel. Selain itu, tambah Barung, alasan penahanan secara subjektif dikhawatirkan tersangka melarikan diri ataupun menghilangkan barang bukti. - Vanessa Angel resmi ditahan oleh Kepolisian Polda Jawa Timur, Rabu (30/1/2019). Vanessa Angel diperiksa selama 4 jam. Vanessa Angel resmi ditahan Polda Jatim. Disampaikan Kabid Humas Polda Jatim, sesuai dengan syarat objektif pasal yang disangkakan yakni pasal 27 ayat 1 UU ITE yang ancaman hukumannya di atas 5 tahun. "Syarat objektif pasal 27 ayat 1 jelas menyebutkan ancaman hukumannya di atas lima tahun," tegas Kabid Humas Polda Jatim Kombes Pol Frans Barung Mangera, Rabu (30/1/2019). Sebelumnya, Kabid Humas Polda Jatim Kombes Pol Frans Barung Mangera menegaskan, tersangka Vanessa Angel kemungkinan besar akan ditahan dalam kasus prostitusi online yang membelitnya. Penahanan tersebut, disampaikan Barung, dilihat dari sisi objektif p...

Usai Divonis Bersalah, Dhani Bilang Begini soal Ahok

JELANG VONIS: Ahmad Dhani di ruang sidang PN Jakarta Selatan sebelum persidangan dengan agenda pembacaan vonis, Senin (28/1). Foto: Dedi Yondra/JPNN.Com  Semasa Pilkada DKI, Ahmad Dhani kerap menyerang Basuki T Purnama alias Ahok dengan pernyataan pedas bahkan terkadang kasar. Namun, sekarang sikapnya terhadap mantan gubernur DKI itu sudah berubah. Ditemui usai sidang pembacaan vonis terhadap dirinya, Dhani tak mau bicara banyak soal Ahok. Dia hanya menanggapi dengan positif berakhirnya masa hukuman mantan terpidana kasus penistaan agama itu. "Ahok sudah bebas, sudah menjalani hukumannya, kesalahannya kan sudah dimaafkan. Menurut saya, Ahok sudah menjadi fitri kembali," kata Dhani usai mendapatkan vonis 1,5 tahun penjara oleh Majelis Hakim Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan, Senin (28/1). Dhani pun mengapresiasi niatan Ahok yang akan menjadi video blogger ketimbang kembali terjun ke dunia politik. Seperti diketahui, Ketua Majelis Hakim PN Jaksel Ratmoho membacakan ...

Necessary Elements For tire and rim shop near me Around The Uk

A great way to enhance the performance and appearance wheel of your vehicle would be to upgrade various car parts. One crucial area to focus on could be the tire and wheel packages that are available. Buying all these components separately is definitely an extremely costly affair. By deciding to obtain a complete package, you'll be able to revamp your car and save significant amounts of cash in the procedure.If you want to get the best deals, it is recommended that you peer on the Internet. You may even find companies who will be capable to satisfy your new purchases free of charge as part of the deal. tire and rim shop near me This is really a fantastic saving and ensures that you are sure of the exact cost and never have to calculate the fitting to the final expense.This is really a far better option than working yourself. It is essential that this wheels and tires fit perfectly to ensure that you're safe. So caring for this simultaneously is well worth doing....

Clarifying Straightforward Methods For loud alarm clock for heavy sleepers

It is an important task to awaken promptly. Every individual has to consume a certain schedule for their day to day activities. May it be a school day or a work day or just a typical day when several things have to be done, every person has the need to get started the day early in order to complete each of the tasks should be carried out due time. This is why we all need a loud alarm clock.There so many models of alert clocks out there today it's become so difficult to pick which one is the most suitable. loud alarm clock for heavy sleepers One thing, though, that many person wants within an alarm timepiece is its dependability that it can really wake them up punctually. Those heavy sleepers available online are particularly seeking travel alarm clocks with the loudest alarm.Loud travel alarms aren't difficult to find if you check out a Sony shop close to you. The brand comes with a range of loud alarm timepieces that may really break your sound sleep and pop ...

Realistic Secrets Of hiv and aids Described

  A lot of cases have been reported worldwide which has been affected using this type of disease. I am talking concerning the rampant HIV/ AIDS. This disease is considered to have a pandemic prevalence, which suggests anyone whether poor or rich, or even the person nearest to your heart might acquire this complaint when precautionary measures is not applied. This is the reason why it is just not enough that we believe subtle information regarding this, but we have to recognize precautions in order to protect ourselves and even our family members also.Early medical intervention has helped to slow the increase in the HIV virus on many occasions. With the convenience of online testing centers, you can choose to contact the center along with your queries and find out should you would have to be tested after all. Most importantly, even if you are clinically determined to have HIV, you will be glad to understand that numerous people who are afflicted with the deadl...

Insights Into Products Of duke energy mobile bill pay

Choosing the best mobile home furnace could be both challenging and exciting. You have duke energy mobile bill pay to find out that is certainly energy-efficient so you spend your hard-earned money wisely.

Picking Sensible Methods For clock widgets for android

Digital Clock Widget, an elegant desktop digital time and date widget created for Android phone users, letting you know time and date on the home screen. clock widgets for android One in the main reasons that will make me install this gadget is that it can be an easy-to use and stable gadget that rarely goes wrong. It does that of a time tool have to do, in case you are simply looking for a tool to display some time and date in your case in a simple way, you should give this app the opportunity to shown on your home screen. I believe there are a few causes of determining to watch time by cell phone. First and foremost, it can be free download . We don't must spend extra money on investing in a wrist watch. Second, we've the option to setup all form of digital watch widgets on our android phone. Advantages In addition to the function of showing time, there are other customized options. You may choose a 12- or 24-hour clock and whether to show AM/PM or otherwi...

Necessary Elements For tire and rim shop near me Around The Uk

A great way to enhance the performance and appearance  wheel  of your vehicle would be to upgrade various car parts. One crucial area to focus on could be the tire and wheel packages that are available. Buying all these components separately is definitely an extremely costly affair. By deciding to obtain a complete package, you'll be able to revamp your car and save significant amounts of cash in the procedure.If you want to get the best deals, it is recommended that you peer on the Internet. You may even find companies who will be capable to satisfy your new purchases free of charge as part of the deal.  tire and rim shop near me This is really a fantastic saving and ensures that you are sure of the exact cost and never have to calculate the fitting to the final expense.This is really a far better option than working yourself. It is essential that this wheels and tires fit perfectly to ensure that you're safe. So caring for this simultaneously is well worth...